Friday, 28 September 2012

Solving the problem of dodgy data

In 4 weeks, MES launches v6 of its Membership Database system for Foundation Trusts.  Preparing to roll it out to our 100+ clients has inevitably got me thinking about v1, and the start of it all. 

Back in 2006 when we started spec’ing it out and development began, we were approaching the project from a very different perspective.

Our USP for the system was that we were coming at it from an electoral point of view, not a purely technical perspective.  The technicalities and functional capabilities were of course important, and needed to be better than elsewhere.  However, we were not a software house focused just on the jazzy features.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Foundation Trust Membership – it’s all a blur!

So far, 2012 has been the year of growing Foundation Trust memberships.  Our membership services team can attest to this.

So far, we have recruited around 40,000 members on behalf of our Foundation Trust clients.  Even with the drop dead date for Foundation Trust authorisation abandoned (to some degree) MES are seeing an ever increasing number of aspirant and authorised Foundation Trusts looking to recruit members to share in their journey.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Engagement in the Health Sector

This week’s blog takes a look at something very dear to our hearts at MES, public and patient engagement in the NHS.

As we draw into the hopefully anticipated ‘indian summer’ of 2012 I have been reflecting upon the people we’ve met, the conferences attended and the clients we have worked alongside so far this year.


Following the assent of the Health and Social Care Bill in March the precedent for patient and public involvement has never been greater. What’s more it has been set out as a whole domain (2) for Clinical Commissioning Groups to get to grips with. But without the rigid measures for engagement that are laid out for Foundation Trusts to guide them, many CCGS are wondering what effective engagement actually feels like.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Engagement Calendar

The blog is a day late this week.  Sorry to all the many readers who were left with nothing to do last night.  Its unacceptable and will not happen again.

Unless of course I find a suitable excuse – which this week was because I managed to get to the Paralympics at the stadium on Friday morning! Yeeeay!  It was great and all the things I read about it being inspirational, moving, fantastic for ‘normalising’ disability… its all true.  Thanks to my 10 year old for winning the tickets.

The Javelin throwers warming up:  they broke the WR 3 times!